
PlC Time Value

Bits 0 through 9 of the timer word contain the time value in binary code. The time value specifies a number of units. When the timer is updated, the time value is decremented by one unit at intervals specified by the time base. The time value is decremented until it is equal to zero.

You can pre-load a time value using either of the following formats:

·      S5T#aH_bM_cS_dMS

-      Where H = hours, M = minutes, S = seconds, and MS = milliseconds;

a, b, c, d are defined by the user.

-      The time base is selected automatically, and the value is rounded to the next lower number with that time base.

The maximum time value that you can enter is 9,990 seconds, or 2H_46M_30S. S5TIME#4S = 4 seconds

s5t#2h_15m = 2 hours and 15 minutes

S5T#1H_12M_18S = 1 hour, 12 minutes, and 18 seconds


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